Local Energy Markets

As part of its decarbonisation programme, Bridgend County Borough Council launched a Whole Systems Business Research Innovation for Decarbonisation (WBRID) competition to identify potential demonstration projects to test a Local Energy Market (LEM) in Bridgend and to understand how it could operate within current market rules. Challoch is working closely with BCBC to develop such a Local Energy Market (LEM) demonstration project within the County Borough.

Phase 1 delivered a scoping study of potential LEMs, covering issues that influence their development, concluding that Bridgend County Borough’s natural resources make it an ideal location for developing a range of LEM projects.
Six LEM options in a range of locations and using a variety of different technologies, were identified. Technologies included solar PV, wind, battery storage, private wire connections, green hydrogen, tidal power and sleeving potential.
Phase 2 evaluated three of the original six LEM options in more detail, developing the business case ready for the demonstration project to be developed in Phase 3.

Solar panels or solar-based ventilation will be fitted to a small number of houses in South Cornelly. In addition, batteries will be installed in some houses and others connected to the local power grid to help balance the supply and demand of power within the community. The project will investigate how electricity produced can potentially be shared with the other members of the Low Carbon Community.

For more information, visit the Low Carbon Communities website: https://www.bridgend.gov.uk/residents/housing/low-carbon-communities/